Honey Combs

    Honey Combs

    A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen. Beekeepers may remove the entire honeycomb to harvest honey.

    Honeycomb Geometry

    The axes of honeycomb cells are always quasihorizontal, and the nonangled rows of honeycomb cells are always horizontally aligned.

    Role of wax temperature

    During the construction of hexagonal cells, wax temperature was between 33.6 and 37.6°C, well below the 40°C temperature at which wax is assumed to be liquid for initiating new comb construction

    Honeycombs are made by bees for the storage of honey, pollen and larvae. Hexagonal in shape and made of wax, the honey comb is the life blood of the bee hive. Interestingly enough, bees consume about 8.4 lbs of honey to secrete 1 lbs of wax. Therefore, it makes economic sense for the bee keeper to return the honey comb to the hive after harvesting the honey.

    Bees, Honey Combs
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