Seminole County Man on a Mission to Help Florida’s Bee Population ...
Here you will SOON find our Facebook feed, our Blog, and General News! We try to update our Facebook page daily. We are always so busy sometimes we don’t get to post everyday, but just know Every – Single – Day we are SUPER busy saving bees!!
We will also Blog about the different bee related activities we are doing. We have so many Bee Lovers who love to hear what we are doing with the bees each day, so we do try super hard to get it updated each day.
Facebook is our main form at the moment. We were able to add the Facebook feed to the website, making it easier for you to keep up with all the fun bee things we are doing!
Please go to our Facebook page and like AND share to help do YOUR part in Saving The Bees!
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Here’s why you should NOT choose Orlando pest control for your bee removal and instead, opt-in for the more humane approach for removing bees. Why Bees are in Need It can not be stressed enough. Bees are an essential part of the ecosystem. They pollinate...
You've probably heard it before: honey bees should not be able to fly according to the laws of aviation. The theory says that their wings are too small and their bodies are too big. Apart from “bee body shaming” this myth is just that...
Do you have bees? If the answer is “Yes” then “What can you do about it” is the next question that needs to be asked then answered. There are two solutions, kill the bees (you don’t want to do that, right?) or hire a Winter...
The term “busy bees” works perfectly for the services that we, at Orlando Bee Removal Expert, provide. For a number of years, we have been in the business of Orlando beekeeping. Many of the bees that are rescued by us are kept safe here, or...
How do you know when you should call an Orlando bee removal expert? The simple answer is this: when you see bees cluttering up an area of your home, shed or property; when you have bees, you know you have bees. You may be tempted...
Like a superhero, there’s always an origin story. For Dennis, the Bee Guy, the origin story for the founding of his company Orlando Bee Removal Expert, begins very simply; it begins with bees. And not just a bee, many, many bees! The story opens with...
University of Florida's Bee College was amazing!!! We learned so much more, met amazing bee people, and made MANY contacts to help us further our journey on saving the bees!! Started the Master Bee Keeper program...
Prevention of bees inside your home is the key to our bee exclusion services. We seal up all locations where bees can gain access to the structure of your home or to anything on your property that may house bees such as trees. What You Can Do Here's...